Four Corners Blog
Serving Maryland suburbs including Bethesda, Chevy Chase,
Kensington, Rockville, Silver Spring, and Takoma Park.

Four Corners Meditation
A 5 minute mindfulness exercise to check-in with yourself & your parts

Confessions of a Reluctant Meditator
It seemed to me that developing a meditation practice came effortlessly to some people. I heard stories of someone starting to meditate one day and twenty years later they were still at it without a hitch. That is what I aspired to, but I kept faltering, and then feeling not good enough as a meditator, or as a person.

A Call for Self-Compassion During Challenging Times
The pandemic has wreaked havoc on many of the aspects of our lives that we previously thought of as consistent, reliable, rock-solid. Having that sense of certainty stripped away has had an unsettling effect on many of us.